Hump Reduction

One of the most common reasons people ask for rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is to remove a hump from the bridge of the nose. Also known as a dorsal hump, this nasal feature is more obvious in profile view but affects the appearance of the face and nose from all angles.

Do you have too much bone or cartilage on the bridge of the nose?  It’s   called a nasal dorsal hump.  Surgery to remove the dorsal hump should take into account the whole person including facial features, needs, and background. Good plastic surgeons listen to their clients’ needs and use their artistic and surgical experience to create great results.

Thinking About Dorsal Hump Reduction Or Removal?

People tend to be born with the potential to develop a dorsal hump. This is more common in people of particular ethnic backgrounds, including people of Persian, North Indian or Pakistani backgrounds.

After plastic surgery, our clients often want their appearance to reflect their ethnic, cultural or family identity. Surgeons should design noses in harmony with each person’s individual needs.

People who want their face to appear more feminine may also ask for dorsal hump removal or reduction. For men who prefer a masculine appearance, a reduction in hump size might be more suitable as total hump removal can make the nose appear too feminine.

It is important to discuss your preferences and let your surgeon know if you want your nasal hump removed or just reduced in size. For those who prefer to minimize changes to their appearance or maintain their cultural or family identity, hump reduction might be the best option.


At The Rhinoplasty Center at Beverly Hills Medical Group our Board Certified ENT/Rhinoplasty Specialist with a Specialty in Facial Plastic Surgery will perform a detailed analysis of the nose and all aspects of the facial and profile angles including the:

  • Forehead shape
  • The angle between the nasal bridge and forehead
  • Radix height – the height of the point where the nose meets the skin between the eyebrows
  • Supratip break – the projection of the tip slightly beyond the line of the nasal bridge or nasal dorsum
  • Nasal tip dimensions
  • Tip projection
  • Infratip break – the underside of the nasal tip lying immediately above the nostril openings
  • Angle formed between the columella (cartilage and skin between the two nostrils) and the upper lip as seen in profile
  • Length of the upper lip
  • Contact between your upper and lower teeth
  • Chin projection

Given the importance of all these measurements, changes to any of these features will affect the overall look of the face. Dorsal hump removal or reduction should be considered in the context of any additional facial cosmetic surgery.

Removing Or Reducing The Size Of The Dorsal Hump

The upper third of the nose is made up of bone and the middle third is cartilage (upper lateral cartilage). This means a dorsal hump can be made up of bone, cartilage or a combination of both. For this reason, removing or reducing the size of a hump can involve surgery on bone, cartilage or both.

A number of surgical approaches are available to remove or reduce the size of dorsal humps. The approach should be planned based on your anatomy and your needs. Choosing an experienced surgeon is important to decrease the risk of secondary or revision rhinoplasty, which is an issue after hump removal.

Some of the common issues needing special consideration are described below:

Thick Skin And Dorsal Hump Reduction

If the overlying skin is thick, changes made to the underlying nasal bone and cartilage may not make an obvious difference in appearance. This is because thick skin does not always shrink around the nose after surgery. Your surgeon should use approaches to minimize this issue.

Stabilizing The Nose After Dorsal Hump Surgery

The middle third of the nose often needs to be stabilized after hump surgery so that: 

  1. The nose does not drop over time to create a nose bridge that curves inward or scoops
  2. The middle of the nose does not collapse to create an “inverted V deformity” or other structural problems
  3. Breathing does not become more difficult

Spreader grafts can help stabilize the middle of the nose after hump removal. These are small strips of cartilage or bone inserted on either side of the wall dividing the two nostrils (septum).

Narrowing The Nose After Dorsal Hump Surgery

When larger humps are removed, the nose can look too wide from the front. In these cases, the surgeon can cut the bone to narrow and change the shape of the nose (osteotomy). Osteotomies can affect breathing so other rhinoplasty procedures such as spreader grafts can be used to improve airflow.

Revision Or Secondary Rhinoplasty

One of the most common types of rhinoplasties is the correction of a previous surgeon’s work. Revision rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed when a nose has already had surgery to repair its shape and/or internal function. Revision rhinoplasty is one of the most common of all revision plastic surgeries, partly because “nose jobs” are difficult and clients are not happy with the results.

Revision or secondary rhinoplasty is more complex than primary rhinoplasty surgery so proper planning, an artistic sensibility, and vast experience is needed to reduce the risk of revision surgery.

Reasons For Revision Rhinoplasty After Dorsal Hump Reduction Or Removal Include:

  1. Insufficient changes to the appearance of the hump – can be caused by thick skin
  2. Dorsal hump recurrence – more likely in people with larger humps
  3. Residual dorsal hump – more likely if not enough cartilage is removed
  4. Inverted V deformity – can occur if the bridge of the nose was not stabilized during e. hump reduction surgery
  5. Inward curving or scooping nasal bridge – can develop over time if the bridge of the nose was not stabilized during hump reduction surgery

Hump Recurrence Or Residual Humps Are More Likely With:

Larger humps

Longer and higher nasal bones

A conservative approach to the rhinoplasty

An experienced surgeon will understand all these issues and use approaches to give the best possible aesthetic result while reducing the risk of revision surgery.

Surgical approaches such as the use of spreader grafts to support the nose can help decrease the rate of rhinoplasty revisions after hump surgery. The risk of residual humps can increase when a less experienced surgeon chooses a conservative approach and does not remove enough cartilage.

If you are considering dorsal hump surgery, discuss your needs with a plastic surgeon who has vast experience of rhinoplasty and an artistic eye.

Planning Decreases The Risk Of Dorsal Hump Recurrence

Dr. Patriarca is a Board Certified plastic and craniofacial surgeon specializing in facial plastic surgery, orthognathic (jaw) surgery, and craniofacial surgery for adults and children.

During a consultation, Dr. Patriarca will listen to your concerns and conduct a thorough physical examination of your nose. He will photograph you from several angles, including your profile and other features. Dorsal hump removal needs the careful measurement of all dimensions of your nasal structure and all aspects of your face.

Once Dr. Patriarca fully understands the anatomy of your nose, your facial features and the changes you would like, he will use his experience and artistry to design a nose that he believes will give you the best possible result.

Recovering From Rhinoplasty

Immediately after surgery, a splint and surgical tape will be applied to the bridge of the nose. This splint must be worn for seven days.

You may experience mild swelling and discomfort during this time. Dr. Patriarca will take steps to reduce your pain before the operation. Any pain should be minimal and easily relieved with over-the-counter or non-opioid painkillers. Most swelling usually resolves within 7–10 days.

After one month, you will see the impact of the procedure, with full results apparent by six months after surgery.

Affordable Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Near Me!

For patients who need an affordable Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty to remove a hump from the bridge of the nose. Also known as a dorsal hump, this nasal feature is more obvious in profile view but affects the appearance of the face and nose from all angles. 

Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Cost: How Much Is Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Near Me?  

Generally Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty cost tends to be an obstacle for many and the demand for Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty surgery has increased over the years.  

If you have wanted the best hump  rhinoplasty Philippines results for quite some time, and have run into Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty cost barriers then look no further. 

At The Rhinoplasty Center at Beverly Hills Medical Group, Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty price is affordable to everyone. 

Your Best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Philippines Price At The Rhinoplasty Center at Beverly Hills Medical Group!

At The Rhinoplasty Surgery Center Philippines in Makati Manila, we guaranty your Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty surgery to be the safest, most affordable Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty cost Philippines and the best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Philippines has to offer. 

Come in for a consultation and get the best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Philippines price and best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Philippines. 

Do You Want The Best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Philippines?

At The Rhinoplasty Center at Beverly Hills Medical Group in Makati Manila let our Board Certified ENT/Rhinoplasty surgeons recreate that perfect nose, we’ve done it time and time again – thousands of times, at the best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty cost Philippines.

Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Before And After Pictures: Testimonials That Speak For Themselves!

Over the years, we’ve had thousands of positive Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty reviews or Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty testimonials along before and after pictures.

But reviews or testimonials can’t compare to actual Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty before and after pictures from actual Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty surgeries. 

At The Rhinoplasty Center at Beverly Hills Medical Group in Makati Manila, we have hundreds and hundreds of Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty before and after pictures that we can proudly share with you at the best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty cost Philippines.

Come in for a  consultation and view more Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty before and after pictures at a Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Philippines price.

Are You Searching For Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Near Me?

Are you looking to get the best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty near me? The Rhinoplasty Center at Beverly Hills Medical Group is centrally located in Makati Manila and is the Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty near me.

Please visit us, (Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty near me) and view hundreds and hundreds of Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty before and after pictures of extremely happy Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty clients.

Our Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty before and after pictures speak for themselves at the best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty cost Philippines.

For over 30+years we have been providing the best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty to thousands of global clients worldwide. 

No matter where, The Rhinoplasty Center at Beverly Hills Medical Group is the best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty near me at the best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Philippines price.

The Best Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Surgeon By an ENT/Rhinoplasty Surgeon Can Make All The Difference!

Deciding on having Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty is one thing but deciding on the right Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty surgeon or doctor to correct a previously botched rhinoplasty for the best results could be a costly gamble.


Our U.S. and internationally trained ENT/Rhinoplasty surgeons or doctors are among the best educated, trained and highly skilled medical practitioners in Asia making them among the most capable physicians in the world.