Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty

repairs the nose, restoring its original shape and appearance after an injury; many patients seize this opportunity to make additional changes they may have sought in cosmetic rhinoplasty.

The nasal structure is a delicate part of the human anatomy, composed of small and intricate parts that are interconnected to create the shape of your nose. When the nose sustains an injury, any number of disastrous things can affect this carefully balanced structure, including broken bones, damaged cartilage, visible changes to the nose, internal deviations, asymmetries inside and out, and even trouble with breathing.

Bleeding is also a cause for concern, as blood clots can form around the nasal septum and block it off from regular blood flow. This will lead to the death of this cartilage partition between the airways, a condition medically known as septal hematoma. The bridge of the nose may collapse as a result, leading to a saddle nose or boxer nose deformity.

Post-traumatic rhinoplasty address’s these injuries to the nose that can lead to damaged airways. The most common causes of these injuries are usually a result from sports injuries, car accidents, and fights.

Rhinoplasty Is The Most Difficult Cosmetic Surgery: Choose the Right Surgeon.

Rhinoplasty surgery is a surgery in millimeters and is the most difficult cosmetic surgery to perform because the nose has many intricate moving parts. Poor, or “cavalier” surgical techniques can sometimes lead to long lasting deformity, so it is very important that you do your research to choose the surgeon best suited for your nose.

Rhinoplasty requires specific training and the right surgeons for rhinoplasty are Board Certified Plastic Surgeons or Ear Nose & Throat Specialists with years and years of experience.  At The Rhinoplasty Center at Beverly Hills Medical Group our Rhinoplasty Surgeons are Board Certified Plastic Surgeons and Ear Nose & Throat Specialists with over 20 years of experience.